Nightwolf(a firefly rpg)


Welcome to the Nightwolf, which is being played on Nova,we travel through space on adventures,and land on different planets for work..We have our fun times too.. This ship is bigger than Serenity,
The Night Wolf.. When we visit planets we help others too,and get work from low life people, and make sure the work gets done.
It was 2518, Its been a while after the war. Serenity, a Firefly class ship and her crew some how managed to save our entire galaxy. Liberating us from the Alliance by a single message being sent to prove the lies we’ve all been living under. Who knows what that crew, no, those Heroes are doing now. However, there is a new, well…old, because she’s a rust bucket, crew taking on runs, fighting the remnats of the Alliance and the Reavers.

The Nightwolf was born, with the efforts of one former bowncoat Colonel Sasha Reynolds. Sasha looked for a group of people, the best at what they do to help with this. Because yes, now it is for the rebellion..

USS Andromeda

USS Andromeda Visit

Come join the USS Andromeda as we explore beyond the briar patch, one of Starfleet’s most dangerous and beautiful regions of space. What will we find? Beauty? Danger? Both and far more?
Let’s return to star fleets founding principles of peaceful exploration, seeking out strange new worlds and new life. Boldly going further forward than ever before.
The USS Andromeda is a newly commissioned Galaxy class vessel equipped with star fleets finest research equipment and technological advances of its time.
This beautiful lady is equipped for a long term deep space exploration with heavy emphasis on science and diplomacy. It is also equipped to defend itself if necessary but successful first contact missions would be preferable.
Come find a new online family of writers who value friendship, fun and a good creative and interactive story. We welcome players of all levels of simming and have a variety of senior positions available.


S.W.A.G. Visit

Basically, right about this time, there was this mad scientist who set roots in the southern parts of present-day Manhattan. An arguably brilliant man doing brilliant things for all the wrong reasons. For you see he was not only brilliant but crazy – and the government was only more than happy to seek personal seedy gain from it. So instead of doing what they trumped up their cause of curing cancer to be, they began their first testing on animals with the ultimate goal to create super soldiers. Their focus? The alteration of genetics, S.W.A.G…

A Better Place

A Better Place
January 23, 2019 Futuristic and Sci-Fi RPGs

A Better place™ is a brand new cyberpunk rpg set in the futuristic city of vertical#1 and inside the endless possibilities of the virtual. Thereere, everything you own belongs to someone else, including the destiny of your immortal soul.

We’ve got:
– a small but active community – plots are coming off the ground and new posts are being written every day.
– a character driven story through member-led site-wide plots – decide where the story is going by putting your characters in front of site-wide storylines!
– Humans, Augmented Humans, AI – your imagination is the limi!
– all kinds of open requested characters and canon roles!

USS Sampson

USS Sampson
December 15, 2018 Futuristic and Sci-Fi RPGs

“Si vis pacem, para bellum.” English translation: “If you wish for peace, prepare for war.

Peace Keeping forces along the Romulan borders had not been going well and they had been assigned to keep peace along the new Raeyan transit corridor – which atracted lots of “attention” if you will. The Task Force needed a heavy to help keep the peace and the Sampson was commissioned.

A few years into the Sampson’s service, there was a Gorn attack that claimed the life of the Captain, and her young Executive Officer was placed into the Commanding Officer role.

Now, it is time for the Sampson to return to service and protect the denizens of this dangerous space. Are you up for missions in an active and dangerous space? If so, the Sampson is looking to add to our ranks.

We have a wide variety of open positions, both senior and junior positions.

Please visit us at:

Midgard – Where Worlds Collide

December 12, 2018 Futuristic and Sci-Fi RPGs

The year is 2184, the setting, an alternate reality of earth. As natural disasters began to gnaw at the earth in the earlier half of the 2000’s the human race inhabiting earth began to become more and more aware that maybe, just maybe they aren’t alone. As suspicions grow and with the power of the smart phone and social media easily available, it becomes very clear that they are being joined. Some arrive with intent, others by chance, attempting to flee their own worlds issues.

In this RP one may be almost anything they could imagine! We’ve a huge array of races to choose from and a few different backgrounds. You may even have your own in game company. Due to the nature of these, there is combat RP and so we have a shop full of weapons and gear you may purchase via Credits you get from doing RP.

We are LGBT friendly!!!! And…. Furry characters are indeed welcome here :3