Link to Forum Roleplay

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If you’re already using code resources somewhere, a credit link is automatically included. However, you may wish to refer other players to Forum Roleplay. As a roleplayer, you may want to do so in your signature or forum profile — or somewhere else! RPG admins have been kind enough to link to us as an affiliate in the past, too. Thanks, any promotion and link-back to Forum Roleplay is greatly appreciated!

RPG admins, please feel free to download and use any of the buttons for linking to Forum Roleplay, if you so desire. If you make use of many Forum Roleplay resources, too — it would be super nice of you to include a “main” link to us, either in the footer or affiliates section of your forum, your index page, or wherever is most convenient for you.


Text Only Code

Text links are already included in Forum Roleplay’s coded resources. Please do not modify or remove these text links. However, if you should wish to include us on your roleplaying resources page, a general link hub, etc., a text link might help!

<a href="">Forum Roleplay</a>: Roleplay resources catering to play-by-post forum gamers and communities

Image Code

Including an image link may be best if you are using Forum Roleplay’s Roleplay Image resources. It would be hard to individually credit 50 wolf species RPG icons, after all!

<a href=""><img alt="" title="" src="IMAGEURL" border="0" title="Forum Roleplay: Roleplay resources catering to play-by-post forum gamers and communities" alt="Forum Roleplay: Roleplay resources catering to play-by-post forum gamers and communities"></a>

Link Buttons

It is strongly preferred you use one of our provided link banners instead of making your own. Thanks! Hotlinking OK!

80 x 15

80x15 Link Button in White
80x15 Link Button in Black
80x15 Link Button in Dark Gray
80x15 Link Button in Light Gray
80x15 Link Button in Blue
80x15 Link Button in Lavender
80x15 Link Button in Lime
80x15 Link Button in Orange
80x15 Link Button in Raspberry
80x15 Link Button in Red

80 x 15 Topsite Buttons

80x15 Vote Button in White
80x15 Vote Button in Black
80x15 Vote Button in Dark Gray
80x15 Vote Button in Light Gray
80x15 Vote Button in Blue
80x15 Vote Button in Lavender
80x15 Vote Button in Lime
80x15 Vote Button in Orange
80x15 Vote Button in Raspberry
80x15 Vote Button in Red

88 x 31

88x31 Link Button in White
88x31 Link Button in Black
88x31 Link Button in Dark Gray
88x31 Link Button in Light Gray
88x31 Link Button in Blue
88x31 Link Button in Lavender
88x31 Link Button in Lime
88x31 Link Button in Orange
88x31 Link Button in Raspberry
88x31 Link Button in Red

88 x 31 Topsite Buttons

88x31 Vote Button in White
88x31 Vote Button in Black
88x31 Vote Button in Dark Gray
88x31 Vote Button in Light Gray
88x31 Vote Button in Blue
88x31 Vote Button in Lavender
88x31 Vote Button in Lime
88x31 Vote Button in Orange
88x31 Vote Button in Raspberry
88x31 Vote Button in Red

400 x 100

400x100 Vote Button in White
400x100 Vote Button in Dark Gray
400x100 Vote Button in Blue
400x100 Vote Button in Lavender

400x100 Vote Button in Lime
400x100 Vote Button in Orange
400x100 Vote Button in Raspberry
400x100 Vote Button in Red