wings & ruin

It was in the cold of winter that the houses of Basilia and Volkov made a pact for their daughter of House Basilia and the son and heir to House Volkov would marry, thus uniting the houses and forming an alliance between the countries of Prospemeria and Stryla. An agreement was made and celebrations were in order, but first the princess was to meet with House Volkov, and though the journey across the sea was dangerous and would take a month at the longest, both families were optimistic about the prospect of an alliance.
though they knew the journey across the sea would be a month long perilous trek, no one could have predicted the fierce storm that dashed the ship into the jagged coast of Stryla. There were no survivors. When word reached house Basilia that their daughter never arrived, they were devastated. Immediately, blame was pointed towards House Volkov, and suspicions rose that perhaps the noble Strylan house might have murdered her in cold blood. Tensions were high, but it w