
July 25, 2024 Fandom RPGs

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This is an AU Wizarding World post-epilogue RPG. Voldemort won in 1998 and The Resistance formed to fight against him. They finally beat the Dark Lord in 2002 but what is this new age like after Voldemort won, The Resistance rose, and he lost?

It’s the 2021-2022 school year and Madame Minister Granger’s vision is in full fruition but will the traditionalists be a danger to that?

BIPOC/LGBTQ+ owned and welcoming. JCINK Premium. Multi-muse friendly with no limit. Easy activity based on posts like group rps, 1×1, character development, etc.

Jujutsu Kaisen RP

December 24, 2023 Fandom RPGs

Welcome to Jujutsu Kaisen RP!

Discord: https://discord.gg/nWqj36TQMn

Jujutsu Kaisen RP is an 16+, Premium JCINK Roleplay set fifty years ahead of the current anime timeline. Itadori Yuji is missing, presumed dead, and Gojo Satoru has retired, leaving a power vacuum in the Sorcerer Society. Here at JJK RP, you will be given the ability to progress through the *Sorcerer School*, and become a Jujutsu Sorcerer. You are also able to play as a Cursed User, acting as a villain in our setting of Modern Japan. You can even be a non-sorcerer or Citizen. The possibilities are endless here at JJK RP.

You can enjoy countless features on our RP site, but here are a few of our major highlights:

– An advanced combat system for PvP (Never forced)
– A skill progression system that accurately tracks and measures your strength.
– A quick application process to get you RPing as fast as possible.
– An organized discord for easy staff requests and easy

Ash and Illusions – A Grimgar Roleplaying Experience

Ash and Illusions – A Grimgar Roleplaying Experience
April 26, 2023 Fandom RPGs

The world of Grimgar is a dark place, a dangerous place. You have arrived, deep within a tower, with no memories of who you are or where you came from. Drawn into a place unknown to you, you are given two options – join what is known as the Red Moon Volunteer Army and fight against the dangers that surround the Frontier, or give up and die a slow death.

No matter what you choose, and no matter where you go, you will always be in danger. That, is the life of Grimgar. That, is the world you find yourself in. What you do with it…well, that is up to you.

Destiny Bond

Destiny Bond
May 13, 2023 Fandom RPGs

Watching from afar, the legendary pokemon that created the world realized that it desperately needed a reset. As such, they agreed to purge the world of humans and start from zero. A reset. A refresh.

Five centuries after the reset, humans are on the incline once more. Except in this new world, humans are sometimes bestowed the power of magic by legendary pokemon and they are bonded to a single pokemon. While many people tame, train, and work with several pokemon, they can only bond with a single pokemon in their lifetime. This bond gifts the human the ability to communicate with their pokemon. If anything happens to their bonded pokemon, the same thing happens to the human. This is a safeguard created after the reset in an attempt to assure humans won’t enslave pokemon to their will once more.

However, there are always going to be greedy humans…

Harry Potter RP

Harry Potter RP
April 28, 2023 Fandom RPGs

A casual RP site. The year is 2023. It has been 25 years since Voldemort’s Last Stand, which marked the end of the Battle of Hogwarts and the Second Wizarding War.

The Great Hall has been restored to its former glory, and new management at Hogwarts has shown great promise. New students from countries all over the world have flocked back to learn within the castle’s walls.

Muggle-borns, Half-Bloods, Purebloods, werewolves, animagus, part-veela, and the like are welcome to enroll at the school. New professors, new students, new ADVENTURES! Who will succeed and who will fail?

It’s up to you to decide.

Canon and Non-Cannon Characters are welcome.
All Canon characters are currently available.

Good Morning Night City

Good Morning Night City
April 25, 2023 Fandom RPGs

The year is 2073, and Night City stands as a glimmering beacon on the border of the endless Californian scrub. On the surface, the city bolsters promise of a better life in a world of technological advancement. But if you look deeper you can easily uncover the dirty underbelly. Gangs run rampant through the streets, the NCPD is spread thin and the megacorporations ruling over the city like Arasaka and Militech don’t care so long as they keep lining their own pockets.

It’s all just another day in the City of Dreams.

Fairytales and Secrets

Fairytales and Secrets
March 7, 2023 Fandom RPGs

Fairytales and Secrets is a fantasy roleplay game consisting of magical powers and multiple supernatural races. the game is set in an original world.
Four kingdoms – Artania, Saorwen, Tierdith, and the Shadowreach – occupy the continent of Crielle. Humans, fey, shifters, and vampires… all trying to co-exist. But peace can’t last forever.
Twenty years ago, a fey princess married a human king. A marriage that would continue to strengthen the peace between the two neighboring kingdoms. Seventeen years ago, the fey princess and the human king were murdered by a band of assassins. There was evidence that the baby the princess had been carrying was indeed born, either just before or during the attack. But the baby was nowhere to be found at the scene. The king’s brother used every resource the court could spare to look for the child and find his brother’s killers – or the people responsible for hiring the assassins. To no avail.
Each kingdom blames the other.

The Wandering Muse

The Wandering Muse
March 5, 2023 Fandom RPGs

The Wandering Muse is a community for Play-by-Post Roleplays. We created this place in a venture to find one singular home for all of our muses. We hope that it may serve as a home for you as well. We encourage our members to dialogue about plots and even various Roleplays they may want to see introduced. Make yourself at home! We can’t wait to see what inspires you!

We use Flarum as our forum host, it’s still fairly new and isn’t widely used by the Roleplay community yet but we found it perfect for our needs! You can find the link to the Discord and to the Forum on our Landing Page (They are images). You’re welcome to pop in and check things out, of course we do hope you decide to stay awhile. We have three RPs running currently with more in the works and you’re welcome to discuss with us possibly hosting your own.


February 17, 2023 Fandom RPGs

An active and enduring Pokemon roleplay set in Hoenn that centers around the conflict between the Hoenn League and Team Rocket. Encompassing inspirations and story beats from all regions and Pokemon spin-offs, partake in plots both staff and member-led to determine the fate of the region. From slice-to-life to darker storylines, there is always space in this welcoming and active community to explore the everchanging world of Pokemon with your characters.

Star Wars: The Old Republic

Star Wars: The Old Republic
January 15, 2023 Fandom RPGs



Peace is broken! After twelve years of tenuous peace created by the Treaty of Coruscant, all-out war has resumed between the Republic and the Empire. The Empire assaults many defenseless worlds and encourages others to openly reject their affiliation with the Republic, while the Republic does its best to resist its ancient enemies’ aggressions.

For the Empire, all control has been handed down to the Dark Council, after the Emperor disappeared to pursue mysterious goals after the signing of the Treaty. A new emphasis on recruitment and training of those who are Force-sensitive has been established in order to increase the overall power of the Sith Empire.

The Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic struggle to maintain their control of the core worlds while the Sith plot their downfall. The war has spread across many planets, while native factions are engaged in political struggles or civil war. The Republic seeks to rebuild its defenses by developing new squads of Special Forces.

These new developments are all that instill hope as the Republic struggles to gain power in the shadow of the ever-growing Sith Empire…