USS Sampson

USS Sampson
December 15, 2018 Futuristic and Sci-Fi RPGs

“Si vis pacem, para bellum.” English translation: “If you wish for peace, prepare for war.

Peace Keeping forces along the Romulan borders had not been going well and they had been assigned to keep peace along the new Raeyan transit corridor – which atracted lots of “attention” if you will. The Task Force needed a heavy to help keep the peace and the Sampson was commissioned.

A few years into the Sampson’s service, there was a Gorn attack that claimed the life of the Captain, and her young Executive Officer was placed into the Commanding Officer role.

Now, it is time for the Sampson to return to service and protect the denizens of this dangerous space. Are you up for missions in an active and dangerous space? If so, the Sampson is looking to add to our ranks.

We have a wide variety of open positions, both senior and junior positions.

Please visit us at:

Midgard – Where Worlds Collide

December 12, 2018 Futuristic and Sci-Fi RPGs

The year is 2184, the setting, an alternate reality of earth. As natural disasters began to gnaw at the earth in the earlier half of the 2000’s the human race inhabiting earth began to become more and more aware that maybe, just maybe they aren’t alone. As suspicions grow and with the power of the smart phone and social media easily available, it becomes very clear that they are being joined. Some arrive with intent, others by chance, attempting to flee their own worlds issues.

In this RP one may be almost anything they could imagine! We’ve a huge array of races to choose from and a few different backgrounds. You may even have your own in game company. Due to the nature of these, there is combat RP and so we have a shop full of weapons and gear you may purchase via Credits you get from doing RP.

We are LGBT friendly!!!! And…. Furry characters are indeed welcome here :3

The RP Nexus – Marvel, Fallout, Star Wars, Harry Potter and more!

The RP Nexus – Marvel, Fallout, Star Wars, Harry Potter and more!
December 4, 2018 Fandom RPGs

The RP Nexus is a multi-roleplay community where several large scale roleplays are hosted (ranging from Marvel, to Fallout, to Star Wars, to Harry Potter and more!) as well as featuring the ability for you to host your own roleplays here! We roleplay on our XenForo forum software and have an active and friendly community that we would love for you to be apart of!

In short we have:
Premium Forum Software, making roleplaying easy and great looking!
Feature all types of Roleplays, from original works to fandom ones.
A great, laidback and funny community!
An active and friendly Discord for OOC and Roleplay planning.

We strive to be your go to place for all your roleplaying needs so check us out at:

If you’d like to join our community we also have a Discord server! (Not for Roleplaying but for OOC) We’d love to have you join in and chat:

World of Remnant

World of Remnant
November 30, 2018 Fandom RPGs

World of Remnant is an AU, post-Volume 3 RWBY roleplay. Opened February 2016, we offer the opportunity to play both canon and original characters in the RWBY universe. Our plot has branched off from the end of Volume 3 and is currently set 2 years after the conclusion of V3.


Eledria Visit

A JRPG-inspired fantasy roleplay. Set in the world of Drylla, the races vie for survival. But strange things are beginning to happen around the world: monsters are appearing in greater numbers, strangers who claim to have come from a foreign land to seek refuge, and a group known as the Rhakoth who claim to be the Voice of the Gods lost thousands of years ago.

Eledria has a number of playable races: humans, elves, half-elves, halflings (animal/human hybrids), kindred (elf-like vampires), dragonkin (dragon humanoid shapeshifters) and dwarves. We draw much of the thematic elements of our lore and setting from various JRPG series, as well as some d&d elements added.


November 24, 2018 RPG Resource Sites

RPGfix was born because of a need to sort through and categorize the multitudes of RPG sites that blink into existence every day — from the massive multi-server games to the smaller niche games.

Before the Mast

Before the Mast Visit

Peace with Spain was signed in February 1720. In late April its news arrived to the West Indies, so all the Navies got allied against the common foe – pirates, making their trade more difficult to survive. Which side are you on?

We are not the usual sandboxy RPG, neither a narrative-driven one, but a story-focused writing community where each actively writing character can make a difference and an impact on the overall plot. We are writing collaboratively a coherent story with many sideplots aside of it. We also have guides to help you with the time setting, and are more influenced by historical events rather than following them by the history books!

Absit Omen

Absit Omen
November 25, 2018 Fandom RPGs

Absit Omen is an online Harry Potter role-playing game set in J.K. Rowling’s Wizarding World. Writers from all over the world gather here to write exciting, original stories in a collaborative setting. There are new surprises every day and it’s we, the members, who decide the fate of this world.

‘Souls RPG

‘Souls RPG Visit

‘Souls RPG is an advanced writing, collaborative RPG set in Eastern Canada, featuring canines and werecanines after humans have become extinct. We’ve been going strong for over FIFTEEN YEARS, and we’d love for you to join us!

Humans have been gone since 1988, but the wildlife flourishes. Wolves, dogs, coyotes, and jackals have gained a peculiar advantage: the ability to take a humanoid form. They have become the Luperci — or not, in some cases. Normal canines remain in many places, too.

‘Souls has been consistently active since 2001. Our community provides both a stimulating IC environment and a welcoming, fun OOC environment. The game rating is PG-13, though marked mature content is permitted. Many things — packs with unique cultures, our RP Guide and huge Wiki, a flourishing art community, and our awesome members make ‘Souls what it is. We’d love for you to come join us!