Revillution After Dark is an adult roleplaying section on This section is for adult roleplayers 18 years of age or older. The roleplays within this section cover adult themes such as sexual acitvities, sex, masturbation, etc. The roleplays in this section are not a structured story, they are their own plots and the people writing them are only limited to their imaginations. If you are 18+ and looking for an adult roleplaying forum, Revillution After Dark is a free place to express your adult writing desires and creativity.
Notice:An account upgrade is required to gain access to the adult roleplaying section of the site, upgrades are usually handled within 24 hours but usually much sooner.
The Demon’s Light is a roleplay series about five very different teenagers: Atticus Anoethite, Chris Wellington, Melissa Devlin, Marshall Rooke, and Savannah Whitesmith, all of whom are on a journey looking for the mysterious light that brought them together. It takes place in a post-apocalyptic world that is caught in a struggle between demons and angels, with the citizens of the world caught in the middle. We are close to the season finale of season one, however you may create new characters on the wiki to be introduced in the following seasons or finale!
Keep in mind when creating an account (providing you do not already have an account on the Fandom/Wikia network) that there is a 4 day wait before you can interact with us or edit. In the meantime, read up on the previous episodes!
Thank you for reading and we hope you enjoy the roleplay!
Inspired by the Loveless anime (but not Loveless at the sametime). Septimal Moon – the government – has been oppressing its people for decades, prioritising those with written fates in the form of “true names” over those without such fates. Those that are in the know are amassing in retaliation. Will you join the other side of the fray? Or will you side with the superior?
★ Running since February 14, 2018
★ Humble but active community
★ Plot-centric with player-plotted events
★ Relatively easy and statless battle system
★ You don’t have to start out at “level 1”
★ Opposing factions & IC prejudices
★ Set in a fictional world we’ll expand together
★ Inspired by Loveless but not quite Loveless; anyone’s welcome to join
★ Any type of soulmate dynamic allowed (familial, romantic, nemeses)
World Of Tir is a fantasy-adventure roleplay in a place where gods roam around and may interact with you! It has a wide variety of options in terms of schools of magic and races and you may even choose to not be a mage in this magic-filled world!
OOCly this site has quite a few customization options:
*Expanded colour palette
*Gradient text options
*Save codes as a template to be readily available for future posts
*A user gallery to share your artwork!
*Custom emoticons (25 per account)
*Linked subaccounts to have character-specific profiles (or you can play all your characters on one account, that’s totally up to you!)
Currently, this roleplay is just getting off the ground and I’d love to gather more members for the site to really flourish! We have a friendly and helpful staff more than ready to answer questions and explain some of the more dense IC mechanics of the site. I also make sure that everyone knows when there’s a change on the site as soon as it happens!
this story is about mythical and magical island where is all kinds of wolves and other creatures. too let you know if you leave you may never come back their ar no alphas but there other ranks like queens kings prince and princesses. all there is a magical border around the island only the creatures can go in and out of the borders. humans don’t take part as a character in this roleplay story because the humans. are trying to find the island and invade us. their is law and order in this story you must follow these rules anyone who is not queen king or a warrior may not go pass the border anyone who does is own their own to defend for themselves on the other side of the border their are bad and dangerous from the far front of the island is fire island where the evil queen sits oh and ps there are no kings in this story. but if you want to be king or queen you have to show your worthy to show that you have to protect and fight for what is right.
By Wit & Whitby is a Victorian-era site set in a coastal tourist town. Later on popularized by Bram Stoker’s infamous Dracula, it was rich with history long before our protagonists’ stories unfold.
Do you like…
• No word count?
• No activity checks?
• No character caps?
• Skipping the application approval process and jumping right in?
• A quirky and respectful community?
Then we may be the site for you!
Currently, our character ensembles include career criminals, the aristocrats they pickpocket, and your average working class folk just trying to get by.
Will your cast find untold treasures? Will what they achieve be everything they imagined? Come check us out and see if our disasters are right for you.
Hi everyone!
I’m part of a Witcher based forum-roleplay group, we use our own Wikia to store the info needed, and we post/RP on Discord. I was wondering if any of my fellow Witcher fans in here, might be writers/roleplayers. We do have some requirements of course:
Be 18+ in age, due to violence/horror/adult themes in the Witcher.
Be able to write multi-para/novella style, Tier 1, with quality grammar and punctuation.
Be capable of writing more than 1-2 characters.
Be active – don’t keep us waiting days and days for a reply on a scene!
ORIGINAL characters only – you cannot play canon characters.
If interested, shoot me a message or add me on Discord, my tag is ” Nightlocke#2008 ” — please specify that you are coming from!
18+ AU Dragonriders of Pern
A wherhandler has taken over High Reaches Hold and declared himself Lord Handler, starting Pern’s first Wherhold. Citing the fact that whers are just as useful as dragons, he argues that they should be just as respected If the holders won’t do it, they’ll do it themselves. Holders from across Pern are flocking to the new wherhold, hoping for a wher of their own.
Meanwhile, High Reaches’ queenrider has died under suspicious circumstances. The junior goldrider’s dragon rose and was caught… By two bronzes. The former weyrwoman had spoken loudly of the fact that Thread hasn’t fallen in anyone’s memories. This new weyrwoman has preached the opposite, that vigilance and the importance of dragons has not diminished.
Where will you stand when Pern becomes unbound?
—You can be one of our neighbors or daughter/son, etc.
—Respect each other
—Don’t swear all the time
Our writing group contains several forums from various settings. Each has become it’s own fan-driven universe based on the creativity of our writers. It’s rating is 3/3/3: ADULTS ONLY.
We write collaboratively with one another to build the story so that all writers can enjoy it. Our stories and characters are based off of many Universes (DC Comics, Marvel Comics, Urban Fantasy, etc…) but this is not for profit. It is for enjoyment and to help us hone our writing skills – therefore the use of copyrighted materials is considered fair use.
DC: Based on Batman and the Outsiders, this is a version of DC that is molded around the characters coming together into a group that handles things that have fallen through the cracks.
MARVEL: The Hellions are beginning their journey into superherodom while dealing with the stresses of being mutant young adults. Their mentors are also handling missions. We also have the Marvel Knights – for urban fantasy lovers.