Black Land

Black Land Visit

333 – Jcink Premium
Modern Supernatural, Small Town Gothic

Founded over 100 years ago, the Potawatomi natives called this place ‘Mkete’ke’ – or Black Lands. Settlers borrowed this name, but never knew its true meaning. The natives knew the land was never quite right, and they spoke of malicious spirits that they feared. By time they realized these stories were more fact than fiction, it would be too late.

In more recent history, Meketekee was featured as a setting in a successful and well known horror film. This made the city a tourist destination for anyone seeking out the occult and all things spooky. Little do they know what waits for them in this humble Midwestern city.

Hunters • Police Department • Government • University • City Living • Small Town
We’ve Got You Covered



Beneath the Mask

Beneath the Mask
September 26, 2019 Fandom RPGs

A Revolutionary Canon Persona 5 RPG
We offer multiple group based stories, allow members to create their own group based stories, and have a wonderful team of writers that all come from various different websites.

Shinobi Generations Rebirth

Shinobi Generations Rebirth
September 9, 2019 Fandom RPGs

Welcome to Shinobi Generations: Rebirth!
Like a phoenix rising from the flame, Shinobi Generations has also risen from the grave, and welcomes you to a brand new role playing experience. We take the classic, old school feel of Naruto role play, and introduce modern systems and unique ways to create. It is like a place never before seen, attempting things never before done, and you have a front row seat to it all! We invite you to come join us, take a look around, meet our wonderful members and experience the exciting things we have to offer!

The Hance Clinic – Freeform character driven psychological drama

The Hance Clinic – Freeform character driven psychological drama Visit

The Hance Clinic RPG is a play-by-post roleplaying game, set in the fictional psychological health clinic run by Dr Ann Hance.

Based in and around a prestigious clinic on the south-west banks of the river Thames in London, become part of a world of intrigue, investigation and psychological drama.

If you love to write deep, complex and psychologically driven characters, playing with improvisation and the unknown, then you’ll love this game. Everyone contributes to the plot, as the plots are constructed in direct response to the characters and their motivations in a free-flowing manner.

Learn more at our website and submit your characters today.

Loyalty Binds Us

Loyalty Binds Us Visit

“Loyalty Binds Us” is an alternate universe Historical roleplay set in London in the year of 1519. The dynastic wars are over, the Renaissance is in full swing; the royal court is the home of artists, writers and poets from all over Europe. On mainland Europe, the forces of Martin Luther gather strength as the Reformation sweeps across the Continent. The only thing missing is King Henry VIII. Sort of.

Our twist on History is that Prince Arthur Tudor survived the illness that killed him, meaning he is now the King of England and everything will change as a result. Having reigned for ten years now, he has only one daughter to survive him, meaning Henry may yet get the chance to be king. The remnants of the Yorkists are still at large, praying that the old order will be restored. Meanwhile, the crown loyalists must navigate them all and keep their heads in the process.

We are sandbox and have no word count. All are welcome.

USS Sentinel

USS Sentinel Visit

The year is 2389 and balance of power is in turmoil. It has been a year since the destruction of Romulus in the Hobus hypernova and the Romulan Star Empire has resealed its borders. The Klingon empire is resurgent and roiling, taking the opportunity in Romulan weakness to strike forward into expansion. The Dominion are silent, lurking in the Gamma Quadrant, perhaps waiting for the right conditions to return. It is a precarious time for the Federation.

I am Captain James McCullen. The USS Sentinel is an Intrepid-class starship that is part of Starfleet’s 22nd Fleet. The Sentinel’s primary focus is exploration and science-based discovery, but with the current state of the galaxy, we may be called upon to carry out other duties for the Federation.

The USS Sentinel is a free-form play-by-nova role-playing game set in the Star Trek universe. We use Discord to keep updated and chat OOC, but our writing and storytelling are all carried out via Nova.

Brave Galaxy

Brave Galaxy
August 30, 2019 Futuristic and Sci-Fi RPGs

Brave Galaxy is a new space fantasy RP that uses a combination of character statistics and freeform writing to facilitate writing. BG is semi-literate to literate in writing style, however there is no minimum or maximum word count, and the site has just launched the first plotline. While BG is loosely based off of the mangas Fairy Tail and Eden’s Zero, no experience with either of these materials is required as the world is for the most part original. BG’s community comes from the late Fairy Tail Guild roleplay site, which has existed for over eight years.

Zenith – Sandbox style rpg

Zenith – Sandbox style rpg Visit

Zenith is a play-by-post, sandbox style rpg where you can play coyotes, foxes, and wolves! With these three species living all in close proximity, anything can happen! We strive for a laid back, fun place to come and write out the stories of your characters lives! We’re pretty new still, but we have a core group of active daily posters, and we’d love to see that group expand!

The Healing Garden

The Healing Garden Visit

This setting will take place at The Healing Garden, an underground restaurant with various rooms: Dining Area, Masquerade Room, Garden, Bar, Kitchen/Lab, Volcano, Waterfall, Pool, and Inn. The underground restaurant is also a club that serves only the most important people in the world. It is located underneath solid ice in Antarctica, built in an underground cave near a magma deposit that melts the ice and naturally warms the water and atmosphere. There is no electricity or communication with the outside world here. What happens here, stays here.

Persona New Arcana

Persona New Arcana
August 19, 2019 Fandom RPGs

Persona :: New Arcana is a role playing site founded in 2012 for fans of all kinds whether it’s Devil Survivor, Persona, or any other Shin Megami Tensei based book, movie, show, or game! The possibilities are endless when creating powerful heroes to fight Shadows by using equally powerful Personas or creating terrible villains who abuse their power, making your own name in a range of big cities, countries, and–if you’re ambitious–entire worlds. Be a Persona user who wishes to protect the world from Shadows and solve the ever-going mystery surrounding your home, or be a driving force that looks to use your Persona to gain power in society. Make the hero, or villain, you’ve always imagined in the Shin Megami Tensei world!