Aisling Studio Roleplay Network

Aisling Studio Roleplay Network
December 2, 2022 RPG Resource Sites

Aisling Studio has set out to make a safe place for its diverse family of amazing role-players. Our network is founded by players who never could find the right home due to fictional censorship and unwelcoming members. After toying with single genre and lore-based groups, Aisling Studio became a concept for our family to explore more diverse stories without literary freedoms.

Our mission is to keep our community a cozy and respectful family while preserving our rights to explore all fictional topics and genres in both 1×1 freeform and group communities without giving up the features we love. We are always looking for new friends to join our family and express their own wild imaginations!


  • Open forum –  No admin approvals are required to join, get started playing right away! Post ads seeking 1x1s, groups or advertise your own external community!
  • Sub-linked accounts – Create as many sub-linked character accounts as you want with BBC customizable profiles. Post from them through easy dropdown menus.
  • Create sub-community groups hosted by the site with many features!
  • Use the DM system to roleplay privately!
  • New features are always being added to improve the experience!

RPG Initiative

RPG Initiative
August 5, 2019 RPG Resource Sites

RPG Initiative is a community for all roleplayers. We focus on all text based roleplaying forms that are hosted on the internet. We encourage roleplayers to find new partners, discuss roleplay in all its forms, and grow as collaborative writers in a safe environment.

Site Features

RPG Directory. Advertise your forum with a free listing, or browse a vast variety of Active roleplay forums across all genres.
Playby/Face-claim Directory of over 1,000 options, and detailed filters to help you find the perfect face for that new character!
– Personal RP Blogs
Pre-made Graphics & Resources including banners, avatars, signatures and more!
Themes and Mods
RPG Resource Directory
– Software and Hosting Options
– Guides for RP, Coding, and Software usage.
– Discussion Forums for both Players and Staff to ask advice, explore interests, and discuss various aspects of text based roleplay.
– And Loads More!

Join the Initiative!

The Roleplay Network

The Roleplay Network
July 16, 2020 RPG Resource Sites

A new way to find what you need!

TRN’s unique filtereable directories allow you to quickly browse roleplays, faces, graphics, tutorials and more, with a faceted search system that makes finding what you need simpler than ever!

We accept roleplays of all types, and are currently accepting listings for:

  • Roleplay groups (any format)
  • Resource hubs (such as other directories, communities, resource makers, RP help blogs and more on any format!)
  • Tutorials (for anything roleplay related, including graphics, coding, advertising and more!)
  • Graphics resources (such as premade icons, gifs, graphics templates and so on!)
  • Faces for our ever-expanding face directory!

So let’s get connected! List your groups and resources at The Roleplay Network now!

Deck Of Heroes Kickstarter – 5e RPG Supplement

Deck Of Heroes Kickstarter – 5e RPG Supplement
February 16, 2020 RPG Resource Sites

Deck Of Heroes is a deck of pregenerated level 1 character cards with awesome art, unique backgrounds, roleplaying hooks and all the necessary information to take the first steps into DnD 5e.

The goals are:

*Make it easier for DMs to introduce new players into the hobby by giving the players the Deck of Heroes, let them choose a character based on what it looks fun to play, and start the game in a just few minutes.

*Being able to plan a one-shot without having to spend too much time prepping pregens.

*Have a pool of inspiring characters for players and DMs, to use as player characters or flavourful NPCs.

Take a look and join the campaign!

GATEWAY RPG – Free d20 Universal Setting and Rules-Lite System

GATEWAY RPG – Free d20 Universal Setting and Rules-Lite System
February 26, 2019 RPG Resource Sites

GATEWAY RPG is a Free, rules-lite, easy to learn, fast-paced, and universal D20 Roleplaying Game system that is perfect for introducing new players to the hobby of tabletop RPGs. This system allows for any theme or setting, from Fantasy to Cyberpunk, from Horror to Noir, or whatever your imagination can create.

GATEWAY’S simple rules are based on similar mechanics from the 5th Edition of “The most popular roleplaying game in the world”. It is easy for new players to learn the rules, go on an adventure in a short period of time, and is the perfect “gateway” to other tabletop RPGs. The open genre even provides a great format for “One Shot” adventures with your fellow veteran players and Game Masters. Alternatively, long-term on-going campaigns are possible by using Gateway’s “Advanced Play Variant” or by simply incorporating (or even replacing) with other d20 systems such as D&D, Pathfinder, Star Wars D20, etc.


November 24, 2018 RPG Resource Sites

RPGfix was born because of a need to sort through and categorize the multitudes of RPG sites that blink into existence every day — from the massive multi-server games to the smaller niche games.