Doing Things Any Way We Want


Be in any world / story line you please either your own, or fandom related. You will only be roleplaying with me in a M rated thing. Any pairing, Yaoi / Yuri or Straight.



On this said forum my username is KhFanWriter9
There’s more then one member on the forum. This is why I’m saying right now what name to click if needing to contact me on the forum’s site.

Shannii Writes Forum

Shannii Writes Forum Visit

This website has many other things besides just an RP section. As a staff member of the forum, we are looking for as many members to the RP section as possible. The community is welcoming, and accepting of new RPers and new members. We want all of you if possible! The RPs here range from fantasy to RPs based on shows to modern day high school RPs. Anything you can imagine really. We use discourse as our format, so this site is really user friendly and isn’t complicated whatsoever. Anyone is free to participate and create RPs (or SGs). You just need an e-mail to make an account! Feel free to DM me @BlondeGlassesGirl with all of your questions regarding anything! Thank you so much love!

Little Homeworld RP


Looking for people that want to form a new RP community. We have a discord setup for various RP settings/themes, and the forum will facilitate character creation and world building. The categories we are exploring are Medieval Fantasy, Modern Superpower, Inter-Stellar Sci-Fi, and the center of the Multiverse.

Writer looking for a way to distract and people to write with


Okay, so here is the deal. I love to write. I’ve been writing in roleplaying games for the better part of my life. I’ve been doing it for over 20 years now and it’s my cure for the insanity that is my life. These are scary times for us all and writing is my escape for that.

I am someone that posts regularly, loves to participate and I am open to anything. I’ve been in a lot of groups over the year and there isn’t really anything I wouldn’t write or wouldn’t want to at the very least try out. I have a broad range of interests and that shows in everything I do. I am willing to create bio’s or at the very least even try out by sampling some of my writing. Even one on one writing.

So if there are groups that need some fresh blood and are looking for new players, please let me know. I’d love to find myself a new challenge and I am very easygoing and open minded when it comes to trying out new things.

You can always contact me here

Thxs Cat

Storyteller’s Circle

Storyteller’s Circle Visit

Storyteller’s Circle: A multi-genre roleplay forum designed to support a wide array of stories and player interests.

We offer a supportive staff, numerous features to help support roleplays of all types, a live discord, and above all a healthy dose of enthusiasm and inspiration derived from a group of people dedicated to seeing Storyteller’s Circle prosper.

If you’re a roleplayer looking for a fresh start on a new site and who values a healthy community and supportive environment, then I welcome you to come join us at Storyteller’s Circle.

** We provide personal forum space for large roleplays or tabletop roleplays that include multiple sub-forums for sorting threads, tabbed threads for organizing information,  an integrated bbcode dice system, google document embedding, moderator privileges over the roleplay’s forums, and optional co-GMs.

New Player looking for new challenges


Okay, so here is the deal. I love to write. I’ve been writing in roleplaying games for the better part of my life. I’ve been doing it for over 20 years now and it’s my cure for the insanity that is my life. Things happen however and unfortunately RL sometimes gets in the way of that.

I am someone that posts regularly, loves to participate and I am open to anything. I’ve been in a lot of groups over the year and there isn’t really anything I wouldn’t write or wouldn’t want to at the very least try out. I have a broad range of interests and that shows in everything I do. I am willing to create bio’s or at the very least even try out by sampling some of my writing.

So if there are groups that need some fresh blood and are looking for new players, please let me know. I’d love to find myself a new challenge and I am very easygoing and open minded when it comes to trying out new things.

You can always contact me here

Thxs Cat

Mist Falls (Brand New)

Mist Falls (Brand New) Visit

Welome to a new play-by-post RP forum. Mist Falls is a small village set deep in the forest by a magnificent waterfall. Make the town yours with various stories. Anything can happen here. Suggested for beginners and those more seasoned.

Twin brother on Santa Verda


This is a want ad for Romulus Saber, the twin brother to my character, Remus. Other than the ad linked, most of him is open. If you’d rather not flesh out a full character, I have him written up fully already. He is being used as a NPC for Remus at the moment, but if adopted, the full character account will be transferred over (with the full write up for his profile and abilities already done). You are, of course, more than welcome to edit and add anything you’d like to his personality, and even change up his abilities if you don’t like the ones he has.

For his claim, we will share Brian Haner Jr. Also pictures can be found under Synyster Gates. I would love for him to have long hair, because thats what I’ve always pictured him with. If you’re interested, feel free to hit me up on discord! I have plenty of resources available for help 🙂

USS Sentinel

USS Sentinel Visit

The year is 2389 and balance of power is in turmoil. It has been a year since the destruction of Romulus in the Hobus hypernova and the Romulan Star Empire has resealed its borders. The Klingon empire is resurgent and roiling, taking the opportunity in Romulan weakness to strike forward into expansion. The Dominion are silent, lurking in the Gamma Quadrant, perhaps waiting for the right conditions to return. It is a precarious time for the Federation.

I am Captain James McCullen. The USS Sentinel is an Intrepid-class starship that is part of Starfleet’s 22nd Fleet. The Sentinel’s primary focus is exploration and science-based discovery, but with the current state of the galaxy, we may be called upon to carry out other duties for the Federation.

The USS Sentinel is a free-form play-by-nova role-playing game set in the Star Trek universe. We use Discord to keep updated and chat OOC, but our writing and storytelling are all carried out via Nova.

The Healing Garden

The Healing Garden Visit

This setting will take place at The Healing Garden, an underground restaurant with various rooms: Dining Area, Masquerade Room, Garden, Bar, Kitchen/Lab, Volcano, Waterfall, Pool, and Inn. The underground restaurant is also a club that serves only the most important people in the world. It is located underneath solid ice in Antarctica, built in an underground cave near a magma deposit that melts the ice and naturally warms the water and atmosphere. There is no electricity or communication with the outside world here. What happens here, stays here.