Çità de Masca (ÇdM)

Çità de Masca (ÇdM) Visit

The City of Masks, or Çità de Masca (ÇdM) is a play-by-post (p-b-p), historical fiction roleplaying forum about Venice, circa 1574, during the Italian Renaissance when all of Italy was changing… and so the world, where stories about normal lives, loves, intrigue, mystery, conspiracy, corruption, instability… courtesans, honored and lower class… greed and abuse of religious power… and government cover-ups were never so appealing… even with the stories of **Sala Consiglio dei Dieci** (*Trial Chambers of the Council of Ten*), where Venice’s “Star Chamber” plots anonymous accusations of treason… as innocent victims, as well as the guilty, reside in the Pozzi (prison)…

And to alleviate the fear of unfamiliarity with Venice, Italy, or Europe, you need not know the history, for there are story information readily available at a fingertip to aid you, should you

Emeria- An Original Fantasy Medieval Rp

Emeria- An Original Fantasy Medieval Rp Visit

Emeria. A medieval fantasy RP. Humans have developed psionic abilities which they believe are granted to them from the heavens. Many choose to use these abilities for the betterment of mankind, but there are those who use their Gifts for their own personal gain, and still, others use theirs for less than honorable purposes. Join our two kingdoms as they work to discover the true nature of a brutal cold spell that has turned the continent into a frozen wasteland. Your character may be the final piece needed to help Emeria solve this puzzle!

Çità de Masca

Çità de Masca Visit

The City of Masks is a play-by-post (p-b-p), historical fiction roleplaying forum about Venice, circa 1574, during the Italian Renaissance when all of Italy was changing… and so the world, where stories about “normal lives, loves, intrigue, mystery, conspiracy, corruption, instability… courtesans, honored and lower class… greed and abuse of religious power… and government cover-ups” were never so appealing… even with the stories of “Sala Consiglio dei Dieci” Venice’s own “Star Chamber” plots anonymous accusations of treason… as innocent victims, as well as the guilty, reside in the Pozzi (prison)…
Tis the heart of society, its order and organization, its pomp and ceremony, its places of frenzied domestic activities, its hospitality, celebration, and pleasure, is rivaled by the underlying skullduggery of those who’d seek her downfall.

[Paid][Online][Pathfinder][CST/CDT][Campaign] Looking for 2-4 More Players for a Homebrew setting campaign!

[Paid][Online][Pathfinder][CST/CDT][Campaign] Looking for 2-4 More Players for a Homebrew setting campaign! Visit

Steloria is a world of high fantasy inspired from things like Final Fantasy, fairytales, and mythology. I’ve been developing this setting for a long time and it has a rich lore, complete with its own pantheon and timeline. I would consider this setting a living world, as I allow the choices my groups make shape the world in the next campaign. I will be working with the group collaboratively to determine the start of the game, but to give some ideas of potential starting points: A new group of adventurers signing up with the Adventurer’s Guild, apprentice mages joining a famous but difficult Magic Academy, rebels fighting against a tyrannical empire, or sky pirates flying free and looting opulent riches from merchants and nobles. These are just a few examples of potential starting points and we can work together from the start to figure out what we want.

Here is a discord server to ask questions and work on character creation: https://discord.gg/tscvEB3mYk


Solari Visit

A fantasy shapeshifter RP with D&D elements, featuring an ongoing Angels v. Demons war.

– The story is open and influenced by characters’ actions
– Several species to choose from
– An opportunity to play either as a human or an animal (or both!)
– Regular quests based on small D&D campaigns, most of which contribute to the overall story.

Dreams Time Forgot

Dreams Time Forgot Visit

Dreams Time Forgot is an 18+ (Jcink Premium) Supernatural Kink OC Roleplay using Animanga faceclaims. We have no word count, no character limit, and a chill environment to come and hang out in! Our Discord invite can be found on our top banner, so please feel free to hop in and say hi; we are super stoked to meet you!

Vyldermire RPG

Vyldermire RPG Visit

Welcome to Vyldermire.

An alternate universe RPG located in the wondrous and magical realm of Vyldermire. Vyldermire is a high fantasy RPG with a semi-modern twist, it takes the wonders of story and the fun of levels/stats and combines them to make for a special RP experience. Come explore this incredible world, become a strong warrior, perhaps join a guild. The possibilities are endless!

Start a new life in our world and see where it takes you~

RoH ( Medieval/Fantasy ) RP NSFW

RoH ( Medieval/Fantasy ) RP NSFW Visit

Tired of those ‘sandbox’ RPs that are littered with rules and character restrictions? Say less.

Realm of Haroth ( RoH ) is a true sandbox style RP with Elder Scrolls and Warhammer vibes. This literate RP encompasses medieval fantasy elements and settings – making NPC creation limitless. There are no strict rules, main story line, character bio requirements, limited races, magic caps, or annoying restrictions. The only requirement is literacy. NSFW themes are included and we request players are 18 years of age or older.

Our primary location is on a Discord sever though we have a forum on RPnation.com as well. Please reach out to Vyolence on both platforms if you have any questions, suggestions, or inquiries. Thank you for the interest!



ALL your characters fit under ONE account, ONLY ONE site Login needed.. (No more multiple emails for every character!!) But NO ONE needs to know they’re your characters if you want to keep it a secret, only your selected game PGM, GMS, will know your login name.
Please allow two weeks (not negotiable) after you have been granted your login status if you wish access to play ADULT RP games. You can Rmail me as ladysharlyne while you wait the 2 weeks and you can join General and Mature games on site.   You can play as many games as you wish.  Please do not Rmail any Admin, Moderators etc just me as each GM takes care of their own games.


The baseline story of a young woman made Chieftain of Clan MacKenzie by the death of her father and older brother at the hands of the Campbells. It is King Kenneth McAlpine’s wish that the lass wed the Son of Fergus Campbell and thus joining the clans and lands. But all the Campbells want are the MacKenzie lands and to subjugate the Mackenzie to live under Campbell rule and servitude.

We need Clan Mackenzie WARRIORS & WOMEN
Clan MacKenzie (Male & Female) They are good honest people that fight for their king when necessary and clan battle with mostly the Campbells who want their lands and to place the MacKenzie under leadership and Campbell control.

We need Chieftain Asgard’s VIKING WARRIOR’S (Male & Female)
Jarl Asgard killed Jarl Forkbeard I to protect his sister, left and came looking for a home for his people. Good Vikings just looking for a home in the new lands but are brutal warriors.(Now united with the MacKenzie).

We need Clan Campbell’s WARRIORS & WOMEN
Clan Campbell (Male & Female) our villains, evil, wicked, selfish, power grabbing, and just plain cruel.

We need Jarl Forkbeard II’s VIKING WARRIORS (Male & Female)
Vikings that are marauders (unite with the Campbells). We need the evil Viking Jarl wishing to find Asgard and make him suffer and die, A son of Forkbeard who Asgard fought over the protection of a woman in Asgard’s care.

Asgard thinks he can outrun the revenge filled Jarl Forkbeard but, far from it as he is coming for Asgard and will destroy anything in his way.

GAME LINK:  https://r.rpol.net/game.cgi?gi=70764&date=161tHANK 0662421

Thank You From

ladysharlyne (Rmail on RPol.net)