Moorland Manor

Moorland Manor Visit


An 18+ diverse, character driven, historical rp set in 1899.

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Moorland is a Downton Abbey inspired historical site set in Yorkshire in 1899 with some light horror elements, primarily ghosts. We’ve been going for a couple of years (a brief 2015 period of four months, then officially revamped in 2016) and I’m pretty proud of the community we’ve created. We have a high percentage of LGBT and PoC characters (and players) and have a zero-tolerance policy on OOC discrimination, bullying, or general jerky behaviour. Check out my signature for links!


Eledria Visit

A JRPG-inspired fantasy roleplay. Set in the world of Drylla, the races vie for survival. But strange things are beginning to happen around the world: monsters are appearing in greater numbers, strangers who claim to have come from a foreign land to seek refuge, and a group known as the Rhakoth who claim to be the Voice of the Gods lost thousands of years ago.

Eledria has a number of playable races: humans, elves, half-elves, halflings (animal/human hybrids), kindred (elf-like vampires), dragonkin (dragon humanoid shapeshifters) and dwarves. We draw much of the thematic elements of our lore and setting from various JRPG series, as well as some d&d elements added.

Before the Mast

Before the Mast Visit

Peace with Spain was signed in February 1720. In late April its news arrived to the West Indies, so all the Navies got allied against the common foe – pirates, making their trade more difficult to survive. Which side are you on?

We are not the usual sandboxy RPG, neither a narrative-driven one, but a story-focused writing community where each actively writing character can make a difference and an impact on the overall plot. We are writing collaboratively a coherent story with many sideplots aside of it. We also have guides to help you with the time setting, and are more influenced by historical events rather than following them by the history books!