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Roleplaying games need players — and one way to attract players is through the use of shiny graphics! RPG promo images are pretty much a must-have when you’re creating an advertisement for your RPG. They draw the eye and often give an idea of what the RPG is about just at a glance.
The RPG promo templates provided by Forum Roleplay can give you a great starting base — or some inspiration for your own templates! These PSDs are customizable Adobe Photoshop templates. You can download them, open them in Adobe Photoshop, and then edit the images to your liking — whether that’s changing out the images, changing the name, or adding custom information onto the image.
You can also view the
deviantART gallery containing these works, and favorite/save them there, if that's your preference. Enjoy!
Downloads: Western RPG Promotion PSD Template
Downloads: Pirates RPG Promotion PSD Template
Downloads: Wolf RPG Promotion PSD Template
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