These free forum roleplaying guides offer information for both beginners and seasoned roleplayers. Learn what forum roleplay is and how to start roleplaying on a forum — or improve the craft you already love.
RPG administrators, you’ve got a section all to yourselves! Read the RPG administration guides and learn how to enforce your RPG rules and how to add staff to your RPG. It’s a tough job — so make it a little easier on yourself!
Why Read the Forum Roleplaying Guides
Online forum RPG games seem easy at first. They’re free and cater to many interests. Many games have little or no barrier to entry. Easy, right?
It can get pretty complicated, actually. Writing on an online roleplaying forum is subtly different from other kinds of writing. When you’re writing a novel, you only have to think about your perspective. Involving others is the fun of forum roleplaying, of course! It also introduces some of the tough stuff, though. For example — you can easily write bad roleplay by simply insinuating a reaction!
Use These Guides
RPG admins — feel free to link to these guides. Forum Roleplay strongly recommends using a direct link to the guides. This ensures the most updated version is made available to your roleplayers. You can find some (though not all) guides available for download on the Downloads page.