These RPG templates do not come with accompanying explanations; however, familiarity with the aforementioned tutorials will assist you! You can use these post templates as they are, or you can create your own RPG graphics with images, colors, and styles appropriate for your RP character. Totally up to you! Look at them as both templates as well as freebies.
It may also help you to look upon these free templates as teaching techniques rather than templates. If these templates don’t seem all that impressive, imagine combining the effect with an other type of table! Pieces of these free RPG templates may be more useful than the templates themselves. Forum Roleplay encourages you to go forth and experiment!
Forum Roleplay provides a wealth of RPG graphical templates, too. You can learn how to create your own RPG graphics through tutorials, or you can grab a pre-made PSD template for your character or RPG. Images really help to bring these templates to life — so when you’re creating, don’t forget to pop open Photoshop and create some extra-custom graphics for your roleplaying character.