Please allow two weeks (not negotiable) after you have been granted your login status if you wish access to play ADULT RP games. You can Rmail me as ladysharlyne while you wait the 2 weeks and you can join General and Mature games on site. You can play as many games as you wish. Please […]

Life with a butterfly

Life with a butterfly will be a role- playing chapter, where writers can join to form a spectacular fictional life of a girl living in the world of butterflies.

Life with a butterfly

Life of a butterfly will be a role-playing chapter, where writers can join me to form a spectacular fictional life of a girl living in the world of butterflies.

Dragonet Roleplay

Join us, on Dragonet Roleplay, the fandom text based RPG of Wings of Fire! We have character sheets- campaign stories- classes- everything that you can ever dream of! Easy to understand, friendly staff, etc- make this a friendly and interactive roleplaying experience! Take classes at Jade Mountain Academy- in one of the five Winglets- and […]

Mundus – A fictional Geopolitics World

Almost a decade ago several uses of NationStates set up a forum to allow them to do more than just access that game. Over a decade an elaborate world of lore and creativity has sprung up. Each user creates a fictional nation and uses that to write collaboratively on a forum with others. Over the […]

Inle – Post-apocalyptic Wolf RP

Looking for group members for a forum based post by post RP. Semi-lit, no word count, 13+ Discord group also for chatting and reply pings only. Inle is a post apocalyptic forum based fantasy Wolf RP with no word count, written in third person. Inle is set on earth after the thaw of an ice […]

My Hero Academia RPs

I am looking for a partner who can play Canon male characters from the list below👇🏻(hearts mean favorites) Bakugou Katsuki ❤️ Hawks❤️ Endeavor❤️ Small might/toshinori❤️ Aizawa Dabi I have plots and OC characters (that I play) for each character. I am also willing to collaborate with my partner on a plot. Long Term, NSFW, MĂ—F […]

The Astral Caravan

The Astral Caravan is a 24/7 realtime RP based in D&D 3.5e on Discord. It’s 18+ with verification required, and we will walk you through getting set up! We travel the multiverse to various worlds, crossing through many genres such as horror, sci-fi, high fantasy and more! Mods will assist you in getting verified, creating […]

Westport City Strays

Join our 313, semi-realistic stray dog roleplay with unique gaming mechanics! On Westport, group creation is free-form and your character can have a direct impact on the politics of the city. We are inclusive, accommodating, and excited to write with you.

Threads of Mana

Threads of Mana is an original fantasy animanga roleplay set in the fictional world of Arosova and its colorful countries. Each country has its own agenda and its own secrets.