In exchange for providing these free roleplaying resources, Forum Roleplay requires you respect the licenses on resources.
Resources are information, instruction, and templates; including but not limited to information provided in the Roleplay Dictionary and the post templates provided on the RPG Post Templates tutorials. There are only two licenses offered on Forum Roleplay’s resources.
Note that a resource is different from site content and user-submitted content.
Creative Commons Attribution
Roleplay resources, unless otherwise noted, are CC-By.
Most resources are CC-BY. Unless otherwise stated, you a resource falls under this licensing. This means:
- You are free to modify and use it in any way you like;
- You need to give attribution (a link back) to Forum Roleplay. All code resources come with a credit link. Do not modify or remove remove this credit link.
Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial
Only a few resources on Forum Roleplay are CC-By-NC.
Some resources are CC-BY-NC. Where a license is specified for a particular resource or set of resources, it is always Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial. Resources licensed in this manner are primarily — but not limited to — Image resources and Roleplay Guides. This means:
- You can change and use the resource in almost any way you like;
- You cannot use it commercially or to make money (e.g., putting it on a paid advertisement, putting it on a pay-to-play RPG, etc.);
- You need to give attribution (a link back) to Forum Roleplay. All code resources come with a credit link. Do not modify or remove remove this credit link.
- Primary site copy (such as the index, about, help, and other pages), site design, etc. are copyright Forum Roleplay 2025. Do not use these aspects of Forum Roleplay for your own ends.
If you have any questions about what you can and cannot do with Forum Roleplay’s resources, please Contact Forum Roleplay and ask. If you want to do something outside of the present licensing (e.g., use one of the Roleplay Guides for commercial purposes — in your pay-to-play forum RPG, for example) you must contact Forum Roleplay to discuss your use.